Embark on a searingly honest conversation with your drum, your psycho spiritual edges, Mystery and Nature, to take your authenticity and eco visionary leadership as expressed between yourself and your Sacred Drum of Power to the next level.
This Solo Daylong Quest is the premium path to receive a custom hand painted drum by Palika. This is a guided program that includes a day long solo quest in Nature to elicit an intuited, customized mythopoetic painting on your drum.
The journey commences with the first Mentoring Session with Palika, where we listen for and track what is cracking open,
heart rendering, grief strickening, dying, birthing, shapeshifting, unfolding, confronting, dreaming and stalking you in the Underworld of Soul. Palika will design with you a personalized day of a solo wild wander and Vision Fast in your local Wilds with your Sacred Drum accompanying you as you seek a gateway image of power to be painted on your drum.
As part of the process, I will offer various evocative soulful conversations and practices whereby you will meet whomever and whatever Mystery deems necessary for you to encounter that will bring you closer to who you really are, and encounter the images of Earth that poetically express that, and which long to be voiced on your drum. You can expect some of these kinds of activities on your daylong fast and wild wander with your drum from sunrise to sunset: drumming, crossing thresholds, creating sacred containers, prayer and movement, personal ceremony, active imagination, conversations with the Other Than Humans, journaling, drawing, painting, telling stories, longing cries, grieving, dreaming and deep listening. Also expect surprises.
From this moment of our first session and through the completion or your daylong Vision Fast you will begin to pay close attention and track imagery from night dreams, encounters with Nature, and daydream imagery as well - in a journal, to aid in our query for the powerful soul centric image that is wanting to be painted on your Living Drum through me, for you.
You will then embark on your personalized wild wander daylong fast with your drum, embody the query and conversation, and trust, that everything that is meant to - will happen to you - you won't figure anything out and you are willing to be utterly changed. Upon your return we will schedule another Mentoring Session where we will harvest and gather the Nature encounters, insights, whisperings, imagery, flavors, textures, voices, poems, etc. making themselves known to your heart and psyche as you "got lost" with your Vision Drum.
You will then ship your drum to me and I will wander in the wild with your drum and all the threads we have gathered and listened for in your wild mythos conversations. Then as myself - Threshold Midwife and The One Who Creates From the Forgotten, Forbidden, Feared and Forsaken - will begin to paint the image that is being called forth through us, for your drum. This divined, deeply listened for gateway medicine image, will serve as a mythopoetic portal for you to step into and through as a partner with your Sacred Drum to offer healing, praise, longing cries, shift consciousness and elicit eco and soul centric awakening in Humanity in these Great Turning Times.
When this deeply personalized for you image, has completely painted itself on the drum, I will take the drum to the Earth and ceremonially celebrate and give gratitude for its coming forth. I will then return the drum to you, where upon you will wander once again in your local wilds and create your own ceremonial welcome and partnership commitment with your Wild Mythos Painted Drum of Power.
Say YES now to awaken more deeply to your participation in the Dream of Earth in partnership with your Sacred Drum of Power. I'm am delighted to offer this journey and smitten by the numinous beauty and mystery in the Blue Green Pearl Who is my inspiration and home. I give thanks.
Day Long Solo Vision Fast
Wild Mythos Custom Painted Drum Journey
REGISTRATION - Saying Yes to A Sacred Drum
The cost for this guided journey and the customized drum painting is $2200 USD, which includes:
Initial Discovery and Mentoring Session. Value = $160
Designing & Guiding the personal daylong vision fast in your wilds with your drum. Value = $350
Custom intuitive original painting of a 16" diameter drum or less by Palika. Value = $1800
Completion Call after you are reunited with your drum. Value = $160
* I can paint a drum larger than 16" diameter for a price adjustment.
** This program fee does not include the cost of a drum if you don't already have a drum for this journey. I can help you in discovering the right drum for you to partner with if you don't have a drum.
**Our partnership in this Solo Wild Mythos Drum Journey will commence once we've agreed on dates, and your financial remuneration to me has finalized. All recipients of a Wild Mythos Drum are required to sign the Artist Copyright and Use Protection Agreement before I'll ship. The artwork in any form or use is exclusively copyrighted to myself and Wild Mythos Drums.
Shipping and insurance for the drum (insurance is mandatory), is not included and is paid for separately. You are responsible for packaging and protecting your drum in the shipping process to me. I will use the materials you use to mail the drum to me - to return the drum to you.
Email Me to schedule dates and receive the Artist Copyright and Use Agreement and ask questions. Invest in your Sacred Drum relationship by registering for the journey below.